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Duan Wu Gaming Tournaments Rules & Regulations


   Dumplings Dash 

初赛方式 Preliminary Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以接力赛的方式进行。每个队员将获取一个夹子夹物品。

The tournament is conducted in a relay format. Each player will get a picker to pick up the items.

2. 比赛区域共设两个点,即A 点和 B 点, 距离设为 10 米。在 A 点的篮子里将放置 20 个各种形状及重量不同的物品 ,在 B 点处放置一个空的篮子。在限定的 5 分钟里,参赛者必须将物品从 A 点处夹一样物品到 B 点处方算完成一个比赛顺序。如果半途把相关物品掉在地上,这个物品的分数即当作废,必须重新从 A 点开始。

The lane comprises 2 points, Point A and Point B, within 10 meters. There will be 20 items placed in the basket at Point A and an empty basket at Point B. Within the time limit of 5 minutes, participant must pick up 1 item from Point A and drop at Point B in order to be counted as 1 successful game run. If a player drops the item on the ground before reaching Point B, the score of the item will be invalidated and the player has to return to Point A and restart the game run.

3. 在比赛正式开始之前,工作人员将示范如何夹物品。在裁判发出开始的号令下,工作人员将开始计算时间。站在起点的一对队员必须用夹子从 A 点处的篮子内夾一样物品放入 B点处的篮子中,然后往回 A 点处。另外一对队员可在 A 点处预先准备。只要上一对的队员完全越过 A 点起跑线,下一对队员便可往前移动。在游戏开始之后,在每个跑道上只限 2 个队员夹物品。队员不能使用手从篮子拿起物品,只能用夹子从篮子夹起物品。队员的双手在握着夹子时不能超越夹子上的标记。

Before the commencement of the tournament, there will be a demonstration on how to pick up the items.

The time will begin under the command of the judge. Each player will pick up an item from the basket at Point A and put it into the basket at Point B, and make their way back to Point A. The next pair of participants can get ready at Point A and move ahead only after the previous pair of participants have completely returned and crossed the starting line. After the start of the game, each lane is limited to 2 players who are conducting the game play. Players are not allowed to use their hands to pick up the items from the basket. Players can only use the picker to pick up the items from the basket. Both hands should not cross the marker indicated on the picker.

4. 比赛限时 5 分钟。物品将因其形状不同或不同的重量而标有不同的分数。比赛结果是以参赛者完成物品的分数之和作为晋赛的依据。若参赛队伍成功在 5 分钟内把全部 20 样物品夹进 B 点处的篮子里,工作人员将停止计算时间。其完成的时间长度将用作 2组或以上组别的相同分数 PK 依据即时间短者为优胜者

There will be a time limit of 5 minutes. Each item will be scored based on the weight and shape of that item. The final score is tabulated based on the total score of the items and this final score will determine if the team will proceed to the final round. If the team successfully put all 20 items at Point B, the staff will stop the timing. If there are more than 1 team with equal scoring and time, the affected teams will enter a round of PK.

5. 若有多过 1 组的队伍得到相同分数,受影响的队伍将进行限时 1 分钟的 PK 赛。在 PK 赛当中,PK 赛组将用夹子从 A 点处夹物品到 B 点处。得分最高的队伍将在 PK 赛获胜,并且排名在前。

During the 1-min round of PK, the affected teams will use the picker to pick up items from Point A and drop it at Point B. The team with the highest score will win in the PK round and be ranked higher on the list.

6. 初赛结束后,总分最高的前 10 支队伍将晋级决赛。

After the end of the preliminary round, the top 10 teams with the highest scores will proceed to the final round.


                     Dumplings Dash

决赛方式 Final Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以接力赛的方式进行。每两位队员将获得一对竹竿。双方各握一端共同夹起一件物品从A 点送到 B 点篮子里方算完成比赛的一个程序。

The tournament is conducted in a relay format. 2 players from each team will get a pair of poles, with each of them holding one end of the pole. Both players will have to pick an item together.

2. 比赛区域共设两个点,即 A 点和 B 点, 距离设为 10 米。在 A 点处的篮子里将放置 20 个各种形状及重量不同的物品 ,在 B 点处放置一个空的篮子。在限定的 5 分钟里,参赛者须从 A 点处夹一样物品到 B 点处方算完成一个比赛顺序。如果半途把相关物品掉在地上,这个物品的分数即当作废,必须重新从A 点开始

The lane comprises 2 points, Point A and Point B, within 10 metres. There will 20 items placed in the basket at Point A and an empty basket at Point B. Within the time limit of 5 minutes, participant must pick up the items from Point A and drop at Point B to be counted as 1 successful game run. If a player drops the item on the ground before reaching Point B, the score of the item will be invalidated and the player has to return to Point A and restart the game run.

3. 在比赛正式开始之前,工作人员将示范如何夹物品。在裁判发出开始的号令下,工作人员将开始计算时间。站在起点的一对队员必须用竹竿从 A 点处的篮子内夾一样物品放入 B 点处的篮子,然后往回 A 点处。另外一对队员可在 A 点处预先准备。只要上一对的队员完全越过 A 点起跑线,下一对队员便可往前移动。在游戏开始之后,在每个跑道上只限 2 个队员夹物品。队员的双手在握着夹子时不能超越夹子上的标记

Before the commencement of the tournament, there will be a demonstration on how to pick up the items. The time will begin under the command ofthe judge. Each player will pick up an item from the basket at Point A and put it into the basket at Point B, and make their way back to Point A. The next pair of participants can get ready at Point A and move ahead only after the previous pair of participants have completely returned and crossed the starting line. After the start of the game, each lane is limited to 2 players who are conducting the game play. Both hands should not cross the marker indicated on the poles.

4. 比赛限时 5 分钟。物品将因其形状不同或不同的重量而标有不同的分数。比赛结果是以参赛者完成物品的分数之和作为晋赛的依据。若参赛队伍成功在 5 分钟内把全部 20样物品夹进 B 点处的篮子里,工作人员将停止计算时间。其完成的时间长度将用作 2组或以上组别的相同分数 PK 依据即时间短者为优胜者

There will be a time limit of 5 minutes. Each item will be scored based on the weight and shape of that item. The final score is tabulated based on the total score of the items and this final score will determine if the team will proceed to the final round. If the team successfully put all 20 items at Point B, the staff will stop the timing. If there are more than 1 team with equal scoring and time, the affected teams will enter a round of PK. The team which manages to complete the round within the shortest period of time will be ranked higher on the list.

5. 若有多过 1 组的队伍得到相同分数,受影响的队伍将进行限时 1 分钟的 PK 赛。在 PK赛当中,PK 赛组将用竹竿从 A 点处夹物品到B 点处。得分最高的队伍将在 PK 赛获胜,并且排名在前

During the 1-min round of PK, the affected teams will use the picker to pick up items from Point A and drop it at Point B. The team with the highest score will win in the PK round and be ranked higher on the list.

6. 决赛结束后,队伍的总数将决定他们排名及奖品。

After the final round, the total score of each team will determine their team ranking and prizes.



​Preliminary Round uses Picker


Final Round uses Pole

​Dumplings Dash — Item Point List



   Dumplings on the Roll

初赛方式 Preliminary Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以顺时针 4 人依次投骰子方式进行,面向舞台的参赛者将率先开始。
4 participants will take turn to roll dice in clockwise sequence, and the participant facing the stage will start first.


2. 在限定的 5 分钟内,每位参赛者轮流有 5 次的掷骰机会把 6 个骰子一起投进大碗中。丢骰子的手必须超过碗面方是成功的掷骰的手势。

Within the time limit of 5 minutes, each participant will take turn to have 5 chances to roll 6 dice into the big bowl. Player’s hand must be positioned higher than the bowl when throwing the dice.

3. 各组的成绩是由骰得1 或 4 的分数多少的总和,例如:骰得 2 个 4,获得的分数是 8 分。

The score of each group is the sum of the scores obtained by the dice of 1 or 4 only. For example, the score obtained by the 2 dice of 4 is 8 points.

4. 当参赛者把骰子掷出大碗,其本轮的掷骰机会即当作废。

When the participants roll the dice out of the big bowl, their chance to roll the dice in this round shall be invalidated and counted as 1 chance being used.

5. 初赛结束后,骰得的总数最高的前 10 支队伍将晋级决赛。

After the end of the preliminary round, the top 10 teams with the highest scores will proceed to the final round.

决赛方式 Final Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以顺时针 4 人依次投骰子方式进行,面向舞台的参赛者将率先开始。决赛内将分成不同回合,一个回合为 5 分钟。在每个回合限定的 5 分钟内,每位参赛者轮流把 6 个骰子一起投进大碗中。丢骰子的手必须超过碗面方是成功的掷骰的手势。

4 participants will take turn to roll dice in clockwise sequence and the participant facing the stage will start first. There will be multiple rounds of 5 minutes in the final round. Within the time limit of 5 minutes in each round, each participant will take turn to roll 6 dice into the big bowl. Player’s hand must be positioned higher than the bowl when throwing the dice.

2. 各组的成绩是以其符合骰得以下特征为得分标准(即状元,榜眼,对堂,殿军)。所有冠、亚、季军需通过 3 个流程来定夺。

All teams will compete to obtain the Tier pattern (Tier 1 to 4) listed in the table below. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing have to be determined by going through 3 rounds of gameplay.

3. 比赛的每一个名次皆以 3 个流程决定。第一个流程只“状元”者为优胜。

Each ranking has to be determined after going through 3 rounds of gameplay. In the first round, the first team which obtains Tier 1 pattern will be the champion of the game.

4. 第二个流程在 5 分钟内按谁掷出“状元”、“榜眼”、“对堂”或“殿军”的顺序为优胜。如果有 2 个或以上相同的“状元”、“榜眼”、“对堂“或“殿军”出现时,将进行 PK。

In the second round of 5 minutes, the team which manages to obtain the highest tier out of Tier 1 to Tier 4 pattern will gain victory. If there are more than 2 teams which obtain the same tier patterns, the affected teams will go through a round of PK match.

5. PK 流程为 5 分钟,以第一组掷出“状元”、“榜眼”、“对堂”或“殿军”者为优胜。

During the 5-min round of PK match, the first team which obtains either of the pattern from Tier 1 to Tier 4 will gain victory.


初赛骰子分数榜 Preliminary Round – Dice Point List 


决赛骰子特征分数榜 Final Round – Dice Pattern & Tier List

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