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Duan Wu Gaming Tournaments Rules & Regulations

线上报名日期 Online Registration Period

25.04.2022 - 15.05.2022


Limited slots only, please register early!

报名程序 How to Register

1. 组成4人一组。

Create a team of 4.

2. 登入,点击活动海报过目比赛规则。

Visit the website and click on event poster to view the rules and regulations.

3. 登入下面的报名链接或扫描QR码登记:

Register through the links or scan the QR code below to register:



                      Dumplings Dash


                      Dumplings on the Roll

4. 主办方将确认参赛者名单后电邮通知赛组。

Upon successful registration, the Organiser will email the team for confirmation of participation.  

参赛资格 Eligibility

1. 游戏竞赛开放给所有新加坡宗乡总会会员及公众参与。

The tournaments are open to all SFCCA clan members and general public.

2. 每支参赛队伍须由4人组成。年龄性别不限。

Each team consists of 4 players. Players of all ages are welcomed.  


3. 每一间会馆或团体最多只能派出一支队伍参与每项游戏竞赛。相同的队伍可参与2个游戏竞赛。

Each clan association/organisation can only send one team to participate in each tournament. The same team can participate in both tournaments.


4. 参赛者必须是已接种疫苗,并需出示TraceTogether或HealthHub手机软件上的已接种证明。

Participants must be fully vaccinated and show the TraceTogether or HealthHub app to verify the vaccination status.


   Dumplings Dash 

比赛当天 Day of Event



Registration starts at 8:30am.

Game will officially start at 9:15am.

竞赛详情 Tournament Details

1. 总共设定为100人参加比赛,4人一组为一个队伍。

A total of 100 participants is set to participate in the tournament, with 4 participants forming a team.

2. 全场共有25支参赛队伍,分为5个区域同时进行。每个区域分别有一支队伍同步参与比赛。

A total of 25 teams are divided into 5 lanes. All 5 lanes will have 1 team in each lane participating in the tournament simultaneously.

3. 所有参赛队伍将由主办方来决定出场顺序。

The order of sequence for all participating teams will be determined by the Organiser.

4. 赛制将分为初赛和决赛进行。在初赛中最高总分的 10支队伍将晋级到决赛。

The tournament is divided into preliminary round and final round. The first 10 teams with the highest total score in the preliminary round will advance into the final round.

5. 每场初赛及决赛的时限为5分钟。

The time limit for each preliminary and final round is 5 minutes.

6. 比赛的进行必须以裁判的口令为准。

The tournament is conducted according to the commands given by the judges.

​7. 主办单位拥有最后裁决权,任何质疑,恕不处理。

The Organiser has the right of final adjudication and will not entertain any doubts.


                     Dumplings Dash

初赛方式 Preliminary Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以接力赛的方式进行。每两位队员将获得一对筷子,一人握着一个,共同夹一粒“粽子”。

The tournament is conducted in a relay format. 2 players from each team will get a pair of chopsticks, with each of them holding one each. Both players will have to pick up a “dumpling” together.

2. 比赛区域共设两个点,即A点和B点, 距离设为10米。在A点处的地面将放置8粒各种形状的 “粽子” ,在B点处放置一个空的容器。在限定的5分钟里,参赛者须将 “粽子” 从A点处夹到B点处。

The lane comprises 2 points, Point A and Point B, within 10 metres. There will be 8 “dumplings” placed at Point A and an empty container at Point B. Within the time limit of 5 minutes, participant must pick up the “dumplings” from Point A and drop at Point B.

3. 在比赛正式开始之前,工作人员将示范如何夹“粽子”。在裁判发出开始的号令下,工作人员将开始计算时间。站在起点的一对队员必须用筷子从A点处的地面夾一个 “粽子” 放入B点处的容器中,然后往回A点处。另外一对队员可在A点处预先准备。只要上一对的队员越过A点处,下一对队员便可往前移动。

Before the commencement of the tournament, there will be a demonstration on how to pick up the “dumpling”. The time will begin under the command of the judge. A pair of participants will pick up a “dumpling” from Point A and put it into the basket at Point B, and make their way back to Point A. The next pair of participants can get ready at Point A and move ahead only after the previous pair of participants have returned.

4. 比赛限时5分钟。不形状的“粽子”将代表不同的分数。若参赛队伍成功在5分钟内把8粒 “粽子” 放进B点处的容器中,工作人员将停止计算时间,并记录。

There will be a time limit of 5 minutes. Different sizes of the “dumplings” will have different scores. If the team successfully put all 8 “dumplings” at Point B, the staff will stop the timing and record it.

5. 初赛结束后,总数最高的前10支队伍将晋级决赛。

After the end of the preliminary round, the top 10 teams with the highest scores will proceed to the final round.

6. 若队伍之间出现相同的总数,并且影响到晋级决赛的名额,受影响的队伍将各派出一对队员参与淘汰赛,从A点处夹一粒 “粽子” 到B点处的容器中,并往回A点。队员们将以最快的时间来定胜负。

If the same total score occurs between teams and affects the number of teams advancing to the final round, the affected teams will each send one pair of participants to participate in the elimination round. The fastest lap timing will determine their final round advancement.

决赛方式 Final Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以接力赛的方式进行。每两位队员将获得一对筷子,一人握着一个,共同夹塑料球。

The tournament is conducted in a relay format. 2 players from each team will get a pair of chopsticks, with each of  them holding one each. Both players will have to pick up a plastic ball together.

2. 比赛区域共设两个点,即A点和B点, 距离设为10米。在A点处的地面将放置8粒塑料球 ,在B点的位置放置一个空的容器。在限定的5分钟里,参赛者须将塑料球从A点处夹到B点处。

The lane comprises 2 points, Point A and Point B, within 10 metres. There will be 8 plastic balls placed at Point A and an empty container at Point B. Within the time limit of 5 minutes, participant must pick up the plastic balls from Point A and drop at Point B.

3. 在比赛正式开始之前,工作人员将示范如何夹塑料球。在裁判发出开始的号令下,工作人员将开始计算时间。站在起点的一对队员必须用筷子从A点处的地面夾一个 塑料球放入B点处的容器中,然后往回A点处。另外一对队员可在A点处预先准备。只要上一对的队员越过A点处,下一对队员便可往前移动。

Before the commencement of the tournament, there will be a demonstration on how to pick up the plastic ball. The time will begin under the command of the judge. A pair of participants will pick up a plastic ball from Point A and put it into the basket at Point B, and make their way back to Point A. The next pair of participants can get ready at Point A and move ahead only after the previous pair of participants have returned.

4. 比赛限时5分钟。不同颜色的塑料球将代表不同的分数。若参赛队伍成功在5分钟内把8粒塑料球放进B点处的容器中,工作人员将停止计算时间,并记录。

There will be a time limit of 5 minutes. Different colours of the plastic balls will have different scores. If the team successfully put all 8 plastic balls at Point B, the staff will stop the timing and record it.

5. 决赛结束后,队伍的总数将决定他们排名及奖品。

After the final round, the total score of each team will determine their team ranking and prizes.

6. 若队伍之间出现相同的总数,并且影响到排名,受影响的队伍将各派出一对队员参与淘汰赛,从A点处夹一粒塑料球到B点处的容器中,并往回A点处。队员们将以最快的时间来定胜负。

If the same total score occurs between teams and affects the team ranking, the affected teams will each send one

pair of participants to participate in the elimination round. The fastest lap timing will determine their new team  ranking.

参赛规则 Rules & Regulations

1. 准备中的队员不能预先越过起点。

Players in preparation cannot cross the starting point in advance.

2. 被夹的物品在前往B点处的途中不能落地。若物品掉到地上,队员将回到A点处从新来过。

The clamped items must not drop down while making its way to Point B. If the item falls onto the ground, the players must return to Point A and start over again.

3. 队员不能利用身体的任何一个部位支撑被夹的物品。违规队员将回到A点处从新来过。

Players cannot use any part of their body to support the clamped items. The offending players must return to Point A and start over again.

4. 队员不能把被夹的物品抛入B点处的容器中。

Players are not allowed to throw the clamped items into the container at Point B.


   Dumplings on the Roll

比赛当天 Day of Event



Registration starts at 10:30am.

Game will officially start at 11:15am.

竞赛详情 Tournament Details 

1. 总共设定为200人参加比赛,4人一组为一个队伍。

A total of 200 participants is set to participate in the tournament, with 4 participants forming a team.

2. 全场共有50支参赛队伍,分为15张桌子同时进行,每张桌子分别一支队伍 。

A total of 50 teams are divided into 15 tables. All 15 tables will have 1 team in each table participating in the tournament simultaneously.

3. 所有参赛队伍将由主办方来决定出场顺序。

The order of sequence for all participating teams will be determined by the Organiser.

4. 赛制将分为初赛和决赛进行。在初赛中最高总分的10支队伍将晋级到决赛。

The tournament is divided into preliminary round and final round. The first 10 teams with the highest total score in the preliminary round will advance into the final round.

5. 每场初赛及决赛的时限为5分钟。

The time limit for each preliminary and final round is 5 minutes.

6. 比赛的进行必须以裁判的口令为准。

The tournament is conducted according to the commands given by the judges.

7. 主办单位拥有最后裁决权,任何质疑,恕不处理。

The Organiser has the right of final adjudication and will not entertain any doubts.

初赛方式 Preliminary Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以顺时针4人依次投骰子方式进行,面向舞台的参赛者将率先开始。

4 participants will take turn to roll dice in clockwise direction, and the participant facing the stage will start first.

2. 在限定的5分钟内,每位参赛者轮流有5次的掷骰机会把6个骰子一起投进大碗中。

Within the time limit of 5 minutes, each participant will take turn to have 5 chances to roll 6 dice into the big bowl.

3. 各组的成绩是其骰得的分数总和。例如:骰得 6个6 ,获得的分数是36分。

The score of each team is the sum of the scores obtained by all the dice. For example, the score obtained by the 6 dice of 6 is 36 points.

4. 当参赛者把骰子掷出大碗,其本轮的掷骰机会即当作废。

When the participants roll the dice out of the big bowl, their chance to roll the dice in this round shall be invalidated.

5. 初赛结束后,骰得的总数最高的前10支队伍将晋级决赛。

After the end of the preliminary round, the top 10 teams with the highest scores will proceed to the final round.

6. 若队伍之间出现相同的总数,并且影响到晋级决赛的名额,受影响的队伍将各派出一位队员参与淘汰赛,以一次掷骰机会定胜负。

If the same total score occurs between teams and affects the number of teams advancing to the final round, the affected teams will each send one participant to participate in the elimination round and roll the dice once to        determine their final round advancement.

决赛方式 Final Round Game Play

1. 比赛是以顺时针4人依次投骰子方式进行,面向舞台的参赛者将率先开始。

4 participants will take turn to roll dice in clockwise direction, and the participant facing the stage will start first.

2. 在限定的5分钟内,每位参赛者轮流有5次的掷骰机会,把6个骰子一起投进大碗中。

Within the time limit of 5 minutes, each participant will take turn to have 5 chances to roll 6 dice into the big bowl.

3. 各组的成绩是由骰得1或4的分数总和,例如:骰得 2个4,获得的分数是8分。

The score of each group is the sum of the scores obtained by the dice of 1 or 4. For example, the score obtained by the 2 dice of 4 is 8 points.

4. 当参赛者把骰子掷出大碗,其本轮的掷骰机会即当作废。

When the participants roll the dice out of the big bowl, their chance to roll the dice in this round shall be invalidated.

5. 决赛结束后,队伍骰得的总数将决定他们排名及奖品。

After the final round, the total score of each team will determine their team ranking and prizes.

6. 若队伍之间出现相同的总分,并且影响到排名,受影响的队伍将派出一位队员以一次掷骰机会定胜负。

If the same total score occurs between teams and affects the team rankings, the affected teams will each send one participant to roll the dice once to determine their new team ranking.

奖项 Prizes

19th April (4).png

颁奖典礼 Award Ceremony


The Award Ceremony for both games will be held on the event day.

如有任何疑问,请联系宗乡总会秘书处66436479 或电邮至

For any enquiries, please contact SFCCA Secretariat at 66436479 or email

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