Dumpling Festival Youth Art Contest
得奖者 Winners
儿童组 Children Category
首奖 First Prize

年龄Age: 11

Goh Chiling Monica
年龄Age: 8

Zhang Min Qi
年龄Age: 12
二奖 2nd Prize

Kuo Kai Tong Ashley 郭凯童
年龄Age: 10

Ruby Guan YiChen 管翊辰
年龄Age: 10

Zhou Ruiting Sara
年龄Age: 6
三奖 3rd Prize

Ethan Wong 王韦轩
年龄Age: 11

年龄Age: 7

Li Youran
年龄Age: 5

Zhang Zitong
年龄Age: 9
青年组 Youths Category
首奖 First Prize

Ow Yeong Li Wen
年龄Age: 17

Teoh Yong Han
年龄Age: 15

Yeo Ler Ern Joy 杨乐恩
年龄Age: 13
二奖 2nd Prize

Annabelle Gong Jiaxuan 龚家萱
年龄Age: 15

年龄Age: 13

Tan Jo Yi
年龄Age: 15
三奖 3rd Prize

Goh Swee Yew
年龄Age: 15

年龄Age: 18

年龄Age: 14

Renee Chng
年龄Age: 15

Yang Xinyu
年龄Age: 15
没收到通知的优胜者,请联系宗乡总会秘书处66436479 或电邮 sya_events@sfcca.sg
Winners will be notified via email for prize collection details. For winners who did not receive any notification(s) from the organisers, please contact SFCCA Secretariat at 66436479 or email sya_events@sfcca.sg
其他参赛作品 Other Entries
儿童组 Children Category

青少年组 Youths Category

比赛主题 Artwork Theme
Through the theme of "Staying united in the fight against COVID-19” and in conjunction with the Duan Wu Festival celebration, the artwork should reflect the positive and optimistic attitudes of the youths and children during this epidemic, while promoting traditional Chinese culture.
参赛组别 Categories
儿童组: 年龄3-12岁
Children Category: Age 3-12
Youths Category: Age 13-18
参赛日期 Contest Period
17.06.2020, 00:00 - 30.06.2020, 23:59
投票期限 Online Voting Period
01.07.2020, 00:00 - 10.07.2020, 23:59
Voting will be conducted on the official website: http://duanwucarnival.com
评选规则 Scoring Rubrics
1. 网络投票,占总成绩的40%
Online votes, accounting for 40% of the total score
2. 评委投票,占总成绩的60%
Judges’ votes, accounting for 60% of the total score
171 applications in total, 152 are from Children Category, 19 are from Youth Category
146 entries in total, 129 are from Children Category, 17 are from Youth Category
儿童组:浏览量 28万8078次,总投票量 4万6847票
Children Category: 288,078 views, 46,847 votes in total
青少年组:浏览量 3万6523次,总投票量 4,687票
Youth Category: 36,523 views, 4,687 votes in total
Battle of Quyuan & Dumplings
1. 打开微信扫一扫
Click the "Scan" button in WeChat

3. 点击“开始游戏”按钮,参与游戏
Click “开始游戏” button to start the game
4. 完成游戏,提交兑奖信息
Submit your contact information after the game

2. 扫描此二维码,关注/进入SFCCA官方微信公众号,点击菜单栏“端午小游戏”开始游戏
Scan the QR code, follow/enter SFCCA WeChat Official Account, click button "端午小游戏"

Redemption Rules
A. 6月17日- 6月20日,每人20元礼券;
B. 6月21日- 6月24日,每人20元礼券;
The festive-themed mobile game “屈原粽子大作战” will be launched from 17th June to 25th June. Simply click on the following link to play.
1) The game will be launched on WeChat and Facebook from 17th June 2020 onwards. Participants’ ranking will be derived from the game scores.
Two rounds of games will be conducted, and the top 15 participants of each round will win a prize (SGD20 voucher each).
Round 1: 17th June - 20th June
Round 2: 21st June - 24th June
All prize winners will be contacted via SMS and will only be entitled to ONE prize each.
2) All prize winners from Rounds 1 and 2 will be invited to the Final Round on 25th June, 9am - 5pm to compete for the top 15 prizes (SGD60 voucher each).
如有任何疑问,请联系宗乡总会秘书处66436479 或电邮 sya_events@sfcca.sg
If you have any questions, please contact SFCCA Secretariat at 66436479 or email to sya_events@sfcca.sg